Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Do we need a land use plan?

Do we need a plan? Do we need a land use ordinance?

1. If you want to have a SAY in what happens to the land in your neighborhood – keep it rural, residential, have a commercial section, a green belt?

2. Communities that have plans keep their property values much better than places that have no standards.

3 Newcomers and longtime residents who want to be assured of the future uses of the land around them.

4. In times of rapid growth, such as we are experiencing now, a plan helps. A neighborhood landuse ordinance is a plan.

For these reasons, the Des Montes Neighborhood Association thinks we need a plan and has been seriously considering undertaking the creation of a neighborhood land use ordinance similar to what Lower Las Colonias completed last year and Stagecoach Neighborhood was scheduled to complete in January. This process took ULC three years and Stagecoach about two. Their work has paved the way for us, however, and we are hopeful of being able to do this in less time (but perhaps this is overly ambitious). The goal is to zone our own neighborhood rather than having zoning imposed on us from above. Both ULC and Stagecoach used a process of mini neighborhoods getting together to discuss their zoning preferences. Both neighborhood associations wound up with different zoning blocks that reflect as much as possible the way the land is being used now, and how people want to see it develop. These two ordinances are on line – ULC :www.cybermesa.com/~laplum and Stagecoach: stagecoachhills.com www.cybermesa.com/~laplum ; www.stagecoachhills.com Take a look if you are interested.

But first we need some input from the neighbors. And that’s where you come in. Will you answer a few questions to help us get started?

  1. What is your reaction to this idea?

    1. What do you like?
    2. What don’t you like?
    3. What are your main concerns?

  1. Would you attend a small gathering with your immediate neighbors to discuss this idea further?

I would appreciate your discussing these questions within your household and replying to me by Tuesday morning Feb. 21.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.


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