Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Minutes for December 13, 2005

Des Montes Neighbors met on December 13, 2005.

President Kate Duffy presided over discussion that included the following:

  1. Neighborhood ‘house’ meetings of small localized groups headed by DMN board members are the next step in our development of land use regulations which will serve our needs in the future. Meetings will be a friendly outreach to all families, first to educate citizens as to why we need a land use plan here in Des Montes to prevent over development and protect agricultural land. Equally as important, gather feedback from neighbors...what they would like to see as far as development and land use in the area. Kate Duffy expressed the importance of presenting information accurately and in the same manner, therefore, work has begun on development of a packet of information to share at house meetings where each Board member would meet with 8-10 neighbors to disseminate and collect data.
  2. Kitty Bensusan presented a 4-point one page WHO NEEDS A LAND USE PLAN which might be used for opening discussion at our House meetings.
  3. Beyond that, Board members will need to explain sub zones--land set aside for agriculture, residential, and commercial areas. At the house meetings, we will share the recently adopted Upper Los Colonias plan and ask for input regarding zones, setbacks, restrictions, water needs, condos, etc. Stressing that everyone’s opinion is valued and appreciated, we’ll encourage all to speak openly about all their concerns. At all times we will attempt to accurately represent the entire community throughout this process. Final land use decisions will be made by everyone in Des Montes.
  4. Gary Fergusen from the Upper Los Colonias team may be asked to help us tweak our presentation/plans.
  5. Dianne Grant graciously volunteered her talents and time to create a new DMN web site! Easy access, posting progress and blogging ideas as we head into this project will help everyone to communicate effectively. Thanks, Diane!
  6. An updated e mail list is forthcoming from Jim Sanborn. Jim will also be working to provide community members with accurate GSI maps of this area.

Next meeting is planned for Jan. 17 at Del Norte School. We’ll meet to brainstorm ideas and guidelines for how to conduct house/neighborhood discussions. We’ll need to include an overview of our mission and develop a questionnaire to make data gathering as smooth as possible.Kate encourages us all to keep the enthusiasm up and the momentum going!


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