Monday, November 07, 2005

Jim and I spoke at the public hearing this morning urging the Commissioners to pass 2005-10, which they did 4-0, Virgil Martinez absent. I spoke as a neighbor, an adjoining property owner and Jim spoke for the neighborhood association. He also presented our petitions. Rudy Pacheco, who worked on the subdivision regulations spoke, expressing some reservations about neighborhood associations having the power to speak for all in their neighborhoods when many don’t know what is being done or don’t agree. Fabi Romero spoke about the lack of input from the whole community during the subdivision process. Specifically she said that she thought that development should go on hills leaving the valleys for agriculture as was done in medieval Italy. She did not mention the condo development. No one from the real estate community spoke. Tom Blankenhorn said that some modest changes to the proposed amendment were made. He was explaining these when I walked in so I missed the gist. However, I understand that they all made the regulations more stringent. The new law will be posted on

Check it out (give them a few days to get it up). Jim and I decided that the task force on zoning should meet soon to decide on a plan and calendar of action. I am thinking next week, Tuesday or Thursday at our usual time 6;30-8;30, at the Sanborns. Lets say it will be Tuesday unless a critical mass prefers Thurs. For this to work, everyone needs to reply to this email letting me know if they can come.

Who is on the task force? I start with those who signed up at the annual meeting: Michael Pascarella, Pat Manhart, Kate Duffy, Nancy Berk, Jim Sanborn, Subra Duncan, and myself. Add to that anyone who would like to be on the committee. Andy Romero?



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